Finding Hope in the Hopeless

The Fickle Heartbeat

12 Bright Sides of Loneliness

A beautiful feature post by Single Strides.

You make a certain plan for your life. You make it based off of love. It feeds off of the reason behind your smile and the bounce to your every step. You’re convinced you’re heading in the right direction, and you’re ready to base your whole future off of it. You move, you make new dreams, you scribble in your journal about all the things you’re excited for, and you smile at the one who’s making it happen.

Then it’s over, but you’ve already taken all of the steps. You’re in a strange place with nothing but the empty shells of your dreams. You wander the street tainted with memories and you really have no way to go. You’re lost in unfound expectations and a shattered heart. Suddenly, you’ve forgotten how to dream.

You start tracing your footsteps between places that made…

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